Hi All,
In this post we will discuss how to scale out from two-tier to three-tier in sharepoint 2010.
Here is a screen shot of all of the service applications that run on
the SharePoint 2010 server in a two-tier farm when you install
SharePoint Server 2010 Enterprise edition and run the out-of-the-box Configure Your SharePoint Farm Wizard and
choose to provision all service applications:
(Note: for this post, I am working under the
assumption that you have used the SharePoint 2010 “Configure your
SharePoint Farm” wizard and have opted for it to provision all of the
SharePoint Server 2010 **Enterprise Edition** service applications)
Your goal is to add a third server to the SharePoint 2010 farm and
have it take over running all of the service applications in the list
with the exception of the three that have been circled.
The three that have been circled in the screen shot are the ones that
are necessary for the original server to function as a dedicated WFE
with query processing.
Search Query and Site Settings Service and some of its associated functionality in the
SharePoint Server Search Service
are technically not required on a WFE, but it is the best place to put
them. The reason is that this is the process that takes the user’s
search query and looks it up in the indexes. The indexes are files that
the query processor needs local access to and are stored on the file
system of the server(s) that is running the query service, not in SQL
So, for best performance it is recommended to run the Search Query
and Site Settings Service on the WFEs that are serving the pages. The
crawling and index process is a separate process whose job it is to
build the indexes and push them up to the query servers.
The Search Topology configuration settings in SharePoint 2010 dictate
what functionality of the SharePoint Server Search Service runs on what
server in the farm. So, while the SharePoint Server Search Service
needs to run on both the WFE and the Application Server in this example,
it will be possible break out the functionality that it performs on
each. We will want it to
perform query-related functionality on the WFE and
crawling/indexing functionality on the Application Server. Later in this post I will show you how to do this.
Now, on to the actual steps to doing the work:
Step by Step: Scaling SharePoint 2010 to Three Tiers
Step 1 – Build a new SharePoint Server with exactly the same software
I’m talking about taking a fresh physical or virtual server that has
Windows Server 2008 (R1 or R2) running on it, and installing all the
same SharePoint Server 2010 software on it that is installed on the
existing SharePoint 2010 server in your existing farm. That includes
the full RTM Enterprise edition, whatever patches have been applied in
your farm since RTM, and any other separate products that have been
installed on your existing server such as the Office 2010 Web
Applications and its patches.
Step 2 – Run the SharePoint 2010 Products Configuration Wizard on the new server and join the existing farm
I recommend installing all RTM software and all patches that have previously been applied to the farm
running the SharePoint 2010 Products Configuration Wizard from the new
server’s Start menu. This means that you will want to respond
to the prompt to automatically run the wizard until you have installed
all software packages on the new server. This will save you from having
to run the wizard multiple times. Run it once – after you have
installed all software and patches on the new server.
When you do run the SharePoint 2010 Products Configuration Wizard,
you will run it on the new server that will be your application server.
The wizard is going to help you join the server to the farm and get all
of the software configured and running that you installed in Step 1.
Here are what the pages of the wizard look like as you go through the process:
Oops, you forgot to install a piece of software on this new server
that is already installed on the other server. The wizard has caught
your error and is not going to let you proceed until you get this done.
Exit the wizard and go install the software – in this case, the Microsoft Office 2010 Web Apps.
OK, you got the missing software installed and have restarted the
wizard. The next screen asks you for the Farm PassPhrase. This is a
special password you created when you originally created the farm. You
have to enter it here in order to join this server to the farm:
If you click on Advanced Settings above, the next page asks whether
or not you want to use this server to host the Central Administration
website (sort of implying that you could move it from your existing
SharePoint 2010 server to the new one).
I haven’t tried selecting the second option in SharePoint 2010. In MOSS 2007,
according to this blog post
you needed to remove the Central Administration web application from
the original server before you got to this step on the new server. In
the context of scaling out by adding an application server, that is
probably what you would want do. If you choose to go this route, just
make sure you have good backups before you delete the Central Admin site
from the existing server.
For this walkthrough, you are going to leave Central Administration on the existing server:
Now the server has been joined to the farm and is a full-fledged farm
member. But, the Configure Your SharePoint Farm Wizard in Central
Administration needs to run to add the service applications that exist
in the farm to this new server. So, it automatically fires up your
browser and asks you to run the Farm Configuration Wizard:
After you start the wizard, it will just run for a while without any
input from you and return this page if everything was successful:
Step 3 – Verifying that everything is running properly on the new server
It’s a good idea at this point to go verify that the new server is
showing up as a member of the farm with a healthy status. To do that go
to Central Administration > System Settings > Manage Servers In
This Farm and find the new server and verify that it has a “No action
required” status:
Take a moment to breathe deep and pat yourself on the back. You have done a lot of work to get to this point. You now have a three-tier SharePoint 2010 farm.
But, there is more work to be done so that your three-tier farm has
only the web page serving and query processing services running on the
WFE and all of the other service applications running only on the
Application Server. Until you get that accomplished, the job is not
(Note: the farm will work and be fully functional if you stop here.
You will have the same Service Applications running on multiple servers
and SharePoint 2010 will automatically use this topology as a load
balancing technique for the Service Applications. There may be some
environments where this is desired. But, most organizations will want
to separate the web-serving services and the application-serving
services to provide a better balance for the farm as a whole as opposed
to just load balancing the Service Applications.)
Step 4 – Re-configure the servers to run the services that are appropriate for their individual roles
You want the Web Front-End to run these (and only these) services:
- Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Web Application (this is what turns IIS into a SharePoint “page-serving” machine)
- Search Query and Site Settings Service (the process that takes the user’s query string and looks it up in the index)
- SharePoint Server Search Service (but just the functionality that is necessary for the query processor)
- Central Administration (assuming you didn’t decide to move it to the Application Server)
You want the Application Server to run these (and only these) services:
- Access Database Service
- Application Registry Service
- Business Data Connectivity Service
- Excel Calculation Services
- Managed Metadata Web Service
- Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Incoming E-mail
- Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Workflow Timer Service
- PerformancePoint Service
- Secure Store Service
- SharePoint Server Search (but just the scheduled content crawling and indexing building functionality)
- User Profile Service
- Visio Graphics Service
- Web Analytics Data Processing Service
- Web Analytics Web Service
- Word Automation Services
- Word Viewing Service
If you can get this done and everything works properly, you will have achieved your overall goal.
(Important Note: Step 1 above is really the only step in the process
that can be done during normal working hours. Everything else has the
potential to impact the availability of the system to the users. If
everything goes smoothly, it is possible to do Step 2 through Step 4 in
two to four hours. Of course, it is highly recommended to have solid
backups in place before starting Step 2.)
For the most part, the re-configuration of the services involves
stopping a lot of services on the WFE server (using the Services on
Server page in Central Admin) and verifying that they are running on the
new server (which they probably are because the Configure Your
SharePoint Farm wizard started them up when you ran it in Step 2).
Then, you will want to make one last pass over the list of services
running on the Application Server and make sure that the Microsoft
SharePoint Foundation Web Application Service and the Search Query and
Site Settings
are not running on it.
Adjusting the Search Application Topology
The exception to the statements of the previous paragraph is the
search-related services: SharePoint Server Search Service and Search
Query and Site Settings Service. Search is complicated enough that it
has its own topology configuration settings. You need to use this
capability to place the query functionality of the SharePoint Server
Search Service on the WFE and to place the crawling\indexing
functionality of the service on the Application Server.
Since this is a little more complicated than the other Service Applications, go ahead and do this one first.
Navigate to the Search Administration home page in Central
Administration. Scroll down to the bottom of the page until you see the
section titled Search Application Topology:
This part of the page shows you what servers the following four components of the Search service are running on:
- Search Administration component
- Crawling component (this is the crawling engine that crawls your content and builds full-text indexes from it)
- Database component (as the crawling engine crawls through the
content, it stores the full-text indexes in SQL Server. It also
compiles the full-text indexes into special non-SQL files that can be
propagated up to the WFE)
- Query component (this is the component that receives the user’s
query and looks up the results in the special files that have been
propagated to the hard drive of the WFE)
The Server Name column shows that the Search Administration, Crawl,
and Query components are currently running on the existing server
(SPS-INTRANET in the example). The search-related databases are running
on the SQL Server.
You want to do the following:
- Move the Search Administration component to the new Application Server
- Move the Crawl component to the new Application Server
- Leave the Database component running on the SQL Server
- Leave the Query component running on the WFE
To accomplish this, click on the Modify button to go to the Topology for Search Service Application page:
By hovering your mouse over the component lines, you can bring up a
drop down menu and select Edit Properties for the components you want to
move to the new server.
Do this now for the
Search Administration component:
Now do it the same way for the
Crawl component (screen shot is the same as the one above).
Once you have changed the server assignments for these two
components, you need to kick of the actual transfer of responsibilities
by clicking on Apply Topology Changes:
The actual transfer of responsibilities begins:
When it is finished, you will be returned to the Search
Administration home page and you should see that the components have
been transferred as directed and all of the search-related servers
should have a status of “Online”:
Note: I am not sure why, but this page never shows anything in the
Status column for the Databases component. So, it is normal for that
column to be blank for that component.
Transferring the remaining Service Applications
All that is left is to use the Services on Server page in
Central Administration to make sure the list of services running on each
server matches your master list from above:
You want the Web Front-End to run these (and only these) services:
- Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Web Application (this is what turns IIS into a SharePoint page-serving machine)
- Search Query and Site Settings Service (the process that takes the user’s query string and looks it up in the index)
- SharePoint Server Search Service (only the functionality that is necessary for the query processor)
- Central Administration (assuming you didn’t decide to move it to the Application Server)
You want the Application Server to run these (and only these) services:
- Access Database Service
- Application Registry Service
- Business Data Connectivity Service
- Excel Calculation Services
- Managed Metadata Web Service
- Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Incoming E-mail
- Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Workflow Timer Service
- PerformancePoint Service
- Secure Store Service
- SharePoint Server Search (only the scheduled content crawling and indexing building functionality)
- User Profile Service
- Visio Graphics Service
- Web Analytics Data Processing Service
- Web Analytics Web Service
- Word Automation Services
- Word Viewing Service
To do this, you use the Server drop-down control to select the server
you want to adjust, and then use the Start/Stop link in the Action
column to turn on/off the services.
Here is what your Services on Server page should look like once each has been properly adjusted fore each server:
For the Web Front-End (SPS-INTRANET in this example):
For the Application Server (SPS-APPSVR in this example):
If you navigate to the Servers in Farm page of Central
Administration, you will see a more succinct view of your new farm
Step 5 – Testing and Verifying
Even though you are ready to head out the door and head home since
you are probably doing this on a night or weekend, it is really
important to fight the urge to leave too soon.
You really need to do
some basic testing and verification before you leave. It will be a lot
better to find out about any problems now rather than when the next
business day has already started.
Here is what I recommend doing before you leave:
- Browse to each of your SharePoint web applications and log in with
your user account and make sure you can hit the home page of each of
- While you are there, try to open up and edit a document in the
browser using one of the Office 2010 Web Apps (Word, PowerPoint, Excel
or OneNote).
- Browse to your My Site and verify that everything is working normally.
- Add a unique phrase to a test page somewhere in one of your Sites (I always use the phrase “riderrocky”)
and then go run an incremental Search crawl from Central
Administration. After the crawl completes, go back to your Site
Collection and search for the phrase. Verify that it comes up in the
- Run an incremental User Profile Synchronization from the User
Profile Administration page. While it is running, logon to the desktop
of the new Application Server, and find this program and run it:
c:\program files\microsoft office servers\14.0\synchronization
service\uishell\miisclient.exe. This is the Forefront Identity
Management (FIM) client application that you can use to see the details
of the AD synchronization process. Several jobs will be run by FIM.
Verify that they all complete successfully with no error messages.
- In Central Administration, go into Manage Service Applications and
click on Managed Metadata Service and select Manage in the ribbon.
Verify that the Term Store management interface loads and that you can
add/change/delete a Term Set and some Terms.
- Finally, reboot your WFE and Application Server. When they come
back up, check your Windows System and Application event logs on those
servers and verify that there are no SharePoint-related critical or
warning events that you haven’t seen before you scaled out to three
- Browse to your primary web application one more time before you head out the door.
I hope this blog post is a good resource for those SharePoint Server
Administrators who find themselves needing to scale out to the next
Viral Shah